Opposition leader Sajith Premadasa said that our country went bankrupt not because of the 220 lakh people but because of the Rajapaksa regime that stole the country’s resources and property and because of this majority of the citizens have become orphans.
The opposition leader further said that money is needed to get out of this bankruptcy and the easiest and best way to do that is to recover the money stolen by way of commissions, amounting to cores of dollars mentioned in the Pandora papers.
The opposition leader said that what the country needs at this time is to get that money to the country, but a leader who depends on thieves cannot do the job of catching thieves and said that the foundation of the current president is the Rajapakse clan who have destroyed the country and their loyal MPs.
However, this country can be rebuilt and a new era can be brought to the country by recovering the stolen money, and the only solution for this is the Samagi Jana Balavegaya, through which the recovered money would be used in the development of the country.
Opposition leader Mr. Sajith Premadasa said this yesterday (2) at a public meeting held in Tissamaharama Modhi village under the ‘Udawaka Arabuma’ program.
The opposition leader also expressed hope that the rumours circulating on social media about the president and court judges meeting and holding a banquet were false. But if such a thing has happened, it is a serious matter and the 3rd pillar of the democratic system, the executive and the judiciary should operate separately and should allow the judiciary to function independently.
He said that if there was a banquet like this, even the court judges will be embarrassed and it will hinder the process of administration of justice and it is not good governance and the government should implement a policy of not pointing fingers at the judiciary.
The opposition leader further said that if such a meeting has been organized, if the news is true, he will request the President not to commit such a mistake.