The Appropriation Bill (Budget Speech) for next year (2024) will be presented to Parliament by President Ranil Wickremesinghe tomorrow (13) at 12.00 noon.Sri Lanka Latest News
The President presents the budget as the Finance Minister.
The debate on the second reading of the budget will begin tomorrow (14). Ms. Kushani Rohanadeera, General Secretary of the Parliament, said that the debate will continue for seven days (except Sunday) until the 21st.
The second reading of the budget is scheduled to be held on Tuesday, 21st of this month at 6.00 pm.
The Parliamentary Affairs Committee also decided to hold the debate during the budget committee for 19 days from Wednesday 22nd of this month to Wednesday 13th of next month (excluding Sunday).
The third reading of the budget (final vote) will be held on Wednesday 13th of next month at 6.00 pm.