The Ceylon Teachers Association says that since information has been reported that 28 per cent of the school children in Anuradhapura district are suffering from malnutrition, the health departments should pay close attention to it. (Sri Lanka Latest News)
It is in the background that the Lancet magazine in Britain revealed that about four hundred and ten thousand girls in this country are underweight due to nutritional deficiencies.
During our investigation in Anuradhapura Mahavilacchiya area, it was revealed that parents do not have the financial strength to provide nutritious food recommended by doctors for underweight children.
Based on the health data of 200 countries and administrative units, according to a survey conducted by The Lancet magazine in Britain, it was revealed that about 860,000 schoolchildren in Sri Lanka are underweight for their age.
Among them, about 410,000 school-aged girls between the ages of 5 and 19 are underweight due to nutritional deficiencies.
It is a percentage of 16.4% among all girls in that age group.
It also states that the percentage is second only to India in terms of countries around the world.
In this background, Mr. Priyantha Fernando, President of Ceylon Teachers Association, points out that information has been reported that 28 percent of school children in Anuradhapura district are suffering from malnutrition.