Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan expressed his gratitude to his southern counterparts Vijay and Ram Charan for endorsing his latest film Pathaan. Vijay and Ram Charan unveiled the Tamil and Telugu versions of the Pathaan trailer, respectively. While Shah Rukh promised to soon meet Vijay over a delicious feast, he requested Charan to allow him to touch the Oscars when he brings it home for RRR.
“Thank you my friend @actorvijay You are Thalapathy for this humble reason, let’s meet for delicious feast soon,” SRK tweeted to Vijay.
“Thank u so much my Mega Power Star @alwaysramcharan . When ur RRR team brings Oscar to India, please let me touch it!!.” read his tweet to Charan.
It’s worth noting that SRK met Vijay when he camped in Chennai for several weeks while shooting for his upcoming film Jawan. He used the opportunity to catch up with colleagues in the south. “Wot a 30 days blast RCE team! Thalaivar blessed our sets…saw movie with Nayanthara partied with @anirudhofficial deep discussions with @VijaySethuOffl & Thalapathy @actorvijay fed me delicious food.Thx @Atlee_dir & Priya for ur hospitality now need to learn Chicken 65 recipe!,” King Khan had tweeted after wrapping up the shoot in Chennai.
Jawan is written and directed by Atlee, who is one of the regular collaborators of Vijay. Speculations are rife that Vijay has played a cameo in the movie. However, an official word on the same is awaited. Jawan also stars Nayanthara and Vijay Sethupathi in the lead roles.
SRK is now busy promoting his most-awaited movie Pathaan. The film will end his almost 5-year hiatus from the big screen. The last full-fledged movie he did was Zero in 2018. He took a break to reassess his career as his films struggled to click with the audience.
Pathaan is also expected to come as a shot in the arm for Bollywood, which has been battered by a series of box office failures. Written and directed by Siddharth Anand, the action film also stars Deepika Padukone and John Abraham. Salman Khan will also be seen in a cameo appearance.
Pathaan is due in cinemas on January 26
(Source : Indian express)