Two suspects who extorted Rs 15 lakhs from millionaire businessman and the former public utility commission chairman Mr Janka Ratnayaka was arrested by the Police today says Colombo crimes division of the Police. Sri Lanka Latest News
A telephone call made posing as Blumendel Shanaka who is currently in hiding in Dubai.
Last month (16) between 7.10 am and 9 am, a person who introduced himself as Blumandel Sanka said that he was given a contract of Rs.80 lakhs to assassinate Mr Ratnayaka and he had further stated if not to carry that contract he should be given a sum of Rs 15 lakhs Mr Janaka Ratnayaka had stated in the complaint to the police
According to the said call, the complainant, Mr Janaka Ratnayake, informed an employee to give an amount of 15 lakh rupees from the money in his office to the person who called him.