The Kurunegala Municipal Council has decided to recover nearly one crore rupees spent from the municipal account as the fees of the lawyers who appeared for the ex-mayor of Kurunegala and others who were convicted and sentenced to prison for demolishing the royal palace during the reign of King Bhuvanekabahu. Latest News
It is reported that arrangements are being made to send surcharge notices to the five persons, including former mayor Thushara Sanjeeva Witharana, who is in jail, to recover the amount. A senior official of the Kurunegala Municipality stated that the demolition of the Raj Sabha Mandap is a public matter belonging to the Municipal Council. said. The officer also mentioned that the approval of the council has also been obtained to get the money.
The official also stated that due to the loss of the case assigned by the Department of Archeology, the ex-mayor and his group will have to reimburse the amount spent on their behalf according to the Municipal Council Ordinance. He also mentioned that since the ex-mayor and others are currently in prison, it is a problem to deliver surcharge notices to them by mail, so they will seek the advice of the Attorney General.