The Beruwala police said that seven senior fishermen who harassed a young man who had gone to sea as a novice for a multi-day fishing vessel for a month in the middle of the sea were arrested after they returned to the land from the Beruwala fishing port. (Sri Lanka Latest News)
A young man who is a novice fisherman in a group of eight people who had sailed from Beruwala fishing port a month ago and went to work in distant Diyamba, was assaulted by the people who were traveling in the same vessel during his first voyage in the middle of the sea, subjected to various persecutions and drowned in the sea for hours before being rescued again. Investigations were conducted based on the complaint made to the Beruwala police saying that they had been harassed, and seven people, including the rider of the boat, who live in Ambepitiya and other areas of Beruwala, have been arrested.
The complainant young fisherman has been hospitalized and the fishermen who were arrested after the voyage are to be produced in the Kalutara court.