The Pinwatta Police have arrested a person who tried to enter the house of President’s Secretary Mr. Saman Ekanayake.
The suspect tried to enter the private house of President’s Secretary Mr. Saman Ekanayake in Pingwatta, Panadura.
That person tried to enter the house today (30) around 12.30 pm.
A police officer who was providing security of the house had seen how the suspect jumped from the wall and entered the garden.
When the concerned police officer attempted to nab him, there was a fight and the suspect had ran away.
Later, the concerned police officer informed the incident to the Acting OIC of Pinwatta Police over the phone.
Accordingly, two teams of police officers of the Pinwatta Police have carried out a search operation in the area.
Accordingly, the police were able to arrest the suspect while he was hiding in a deserted house in Pinwatta area.
It has been revealed that the suspect is a 25-year-old resident of Galle Baddegama area and working as a mason.
Preliminary police investigations have revealed that the suspect is heavily addicted to drugs.
The suspect, who is currently in the custody of the Pinwatta Police, is scheduled to be produced in the Panadura Magistrate’s Court tomorrow (31).