The opposition leader said that the anti-corruption process will be implemented very strongly for a strong state governance and as the budget gap is calculated as a percentage of the gross domestic product, as corruption is also a high percentage of the gross domestic product, this should also be eliminated.Sri Lanka Latest News
Money and resources were stolen through Pandora papers.
As the facts regarding the money and resources stolen through the Pandora Papers were revealed, the Samagi Jana Balaveya is implementing a correct method of catching thieves in a government and even though it is not the responsibility of politicians to catch thieves, legal action is taken against the theft of public resources as an unchangeable law as a fundamental right of the Constitution. The opposition leader said that there should be a separate chapter and it is the responsibility of the politicians to create it.
Opposition leader Sajith Premadasa said that the human and physical resources needed for that should be received from the relevant ordinance itself so that it will remain as an independent institution that can operate without political influence and then it will be easy to regain the stolen wealth.
Opposition leader Mr. Sajith Premadasa said this yesterday (12) while joining the blueprint program to educate the people about the economic policies of Samagi Jana Balavega held in Gampaha Wattala.
Wealth stolen in political cronyism.
Also, the opposition leader said that the wealth stolen in political cronyism cannot be recovered and that even the government in 2015 talked about catching thieves, but after they were appointed, the opposition leader said that he too had the ability to get the presidency, but he cannot get such a presidency under the mandate of thieves and catch thieves. That is why it was not accepted.
The country cannot be ruled by impulse
The opposition leader also said that when a government is implemented, it should be done with a calm mind and the country cannot be ruled by wave or impulsiveness.
SJB came forward to fight corruption in cricket
The leader of the opposition said that the Samagi Jana Balawega has shown in practice how the Samagi Jana Balawega worked against the corruption in the Sri Lanka Cricket Institute and even though the opposition has worked for the first time to gather all the 225 people together against the corruption, the respect should go to the opposition as well as the ruling party. They even did the necessary things to ban cricket and it is a betrayal of the country.
Unlike other governments, opposition leader Sajith Premadasa further said that as a party that does what Samagi Jana Balavegaya says does what it does, as soon as it comes to power, we will catch thieves and make the country a corruption-free country. The leader emphasized here.
It’s just a constituency. Poverty will not be eradicated
Also, the current government’s relief program is not centred on scientific data. What should be done here is a population census and a household income and expenditure survey to calculate the poverty line. The opposition leader said it seemed to be aimed at the election.
The opposition leader emphasized that according to the Learn Asia organization, the poor have increased from 30 to 70 lakhs in this country and according to that 1/3 of the country’s population are poor and the poor should be given money and empowered to eradicate poverty, but that has not happened here. Also, the opposition leader further emphasized that the Samagi Jana Balawegaya will bring together all the fields to come up with a national nutrition policy and look into the nutrition of mothers’ children, school children and university students and since malnutrition has become the whole society, the Samagi Jana Balawegaya will also work to eliminate this.