Cabinet has approved the proposal submitted by the Minister of Public Security to publish the bill on the security of online systems through the Gazette and submit it to Parliament for approval. Sri Lanka Latest News
It is said that this bill has been prepared with the aim of protecting the general society from the harm caused by the spread of false information and malicious manipulations through the Internet. the
As shown in Part III of the said Bill, which has received the Attorney General’s clearance, the following acts are misinterpreted by the provisions of this Act.
* Communicating false statements about incidents in Sri Lanka
* Making defamatory false statements
* Freely inciting to mutiny by false statement
* Disturbing a religious meeting by false statement
* Communicating a false statement with the express intention of hurting religious sentiments
* Communicating a blatantly and maliciously false statement to offend religious sentiments
* Fraud
* Fraud by impersonation
* Intentional libel by making a false statement with intent to provoke a breach of the peace
* Circulating a false statement with intent to cause rebellion or offense against the Government etc.
* Communicating statements of incidents to communicate harassment
* Child abuse
* It includes making or changing bots to commit a crime.