The Supreme Court has ordered four police officers, including an Assistant Superintendent of Police, to pay a compensation of 20 lakhs to the aggrieved officer. They have pressured a police constable to release several drug-related suspects. Sri Lanka Latest News
This order was made to group of officials which included U.M. Amarasiri, who was Assistant Superintendent of Police in Ambalangoda at the time of the incident on November 02, 2021, Mangala de Zoisa Amarasekara, then Kosgoda Police OIC, Asela Premanath de Silva, OIC in charge of the Crime Division and Police Sergeant Indika, Silva
The Supreme Court has further ordered that the compensation be paid from their funds within six months from yesterday.
The government has also ordered to pay a compensation of 25000 rupees to the concerned police constable.
Police Constable P.D.A. Panapitiya, who was attached to Kosgoda Police Station at that time The Supreme Court has ruled today that Mr. Panapitiya’s basic human rights have been violated by the suspicious officers filing false charges and suspending him from work and arresting and detaining his wife.
Supreme Court Judge Priyantha Fernando has announced this decision with the concurrence of Judges Janak De Silva and Preethi Padman Surasena.