It is found that one of the documents to be submitted to the Colombo High Court, to prove the allegations of the bribery case against the former Fisheries Minister Mr. Rajitha Senaratne and the three defendants had gone missing. The file related to the Modara fishing port leasing to a private company for a low amount of money has been misplaced. High court Judge Mr.Navaratne Marasinghe was informed by the Bribery or Corruption Allegations Investigation Commission about this.
When the Bribery Commission was called for the “pre-trial conference” regarding the case related to the amended indictment presented against former Fisheries Minister Mr. Rajitha Senaratne and three defendants, the documents pertaining to September 11, 2014 of the Fishery Port Statutory Corporation, which had been named as an evidence document in the complaint in this case The Bribery Commission informed the court that the board of directors paper has been misplaced.
Between the first of August and the first of November 2014, the Board of Directors of Ceylon Fishery Harbor Statutory Corporation was motivated to lease the Modara fishing port to the ‘Sea Gulf UK’ company at a low price and accordingly by leasing the Modara fishing port to the said company at a low price a colossal loss incurred to the government. The Bribery or Corruption Investigation Commission has charged the defendants with causing losses to the government.
Thereby the Bribery or Corruption Allegations Investigation Commission has filed a case against the defendants under 05 indictments against the defendants for having committed the crime of corruption mentioned in Section 70 of the Bribery Act. The Bribery Commission has informed the court through a case file that it will produce 55 case evidences.
In addition to the former Fisheries Minister Mr. Rajitha Senaratne, the former director of Ceylon Fishery Harbor Statutory Corporation Upali Liyanage and its Managing Director Neil Ravindra Munasinghe are accused.
When the case was called, the defendants appeared in court.