Today most of the media quoting a survey conducted by an organization called ‘Verity Research’ reported that 21% of the country is satisfied with the government’s program by June. Sri Lanka Latest News
According to the results of a survey conducted by the relevant institution, an announcement has been issued stating that ‘people’s approval of the government is high’.
However, although it states that the people are satisfied with the government’s program, still according to the same survey, it is clear that 79% of the country is dissatisfied with the government’s program. But that is not mentioned anywhere.
It also states that people’s distrust of the economy is -43.8, but many media have not reported on it.
Accordingly, many people have accused that the Verity Research Institute, pretending to be an independent institution, is working as an institution that expresses the opinions desired by the government.
They have used it in their announcement ‘People’s approval of the government is up! Their allegation is that it is clear from the headline that the people are more satisfied with the way the country’s work is being done.