There are about 100 days left for the general election. Sri Lanka Latest News
By now, almost all the main candidates have said that after winning the presidential election, they will dissolve the parliament and call a general election within the next 24 hours.
Accordingly, within 100 days, all the 225 MPs in the Parliament will lose their seats.
Also, many people think that most of the current MPs will lose their seats in the next election.
Under such an environment, it has been seen that many MPs are currently holding discussions with various alliances to compete in the next election.
A large number of MPs, especially those who are independent from Pohottuwa, have already started negotiations to join with Sajabaya.
Sources close to the party state that many negotiations have been successfully concluded and many more are in the final stages.
Apart from this, it can also be seen that many MPs have started negotiations to compete together with Pohottuwa again.
It is also said that a group of around 30 MPs is trying to form a third force.