Yesterday (8), Pudukudiirippu police officers have confirmed that kerosene has started coming from a well in Kuruvi village of Mullathivu Wodiyarkattu due to the kerosene that flowed from a tank of a LTTE fuel depot during the war. (Sri Lanka Latest News)
During the war, the LTTE had run a fuel depot on the owner’s land when he abandoned his land and fled to an attractive place.
When the war raged, the LTTE members ran away leaving the fuel tanks buried in the fuel station, and after peace came, the owner of the land returned to his land.
After the recent heavy rains, the owner of the land cleaned the well in his garden and started getting kerosene instead of water.
Accordingly, the police went there and investigated and discovered that the kerosene was seeping in the well due to the puncture of a tank in the kerosene storage of the Tiger members.