Lalith Rajamanthri who was the OIC of Kahawatta police station on 5th January 2015 was charged with attempting to prevent the arrest of current state minister Premalal Jayasekara who was identified as a suspect from being arrested. In this incident, one person died and several others were injured. Sri Lanka Latest News
Ms. Lanka Jayaratne Ratnapura High Court judge has sentenced the former Senior Deputy Inspector General of Sabaragamuwa Province Lalith Jayasinghe to 05 years imprisonment for the charge of pressuring Premalal Jayasekara not to be arrested.
In addition to this, the judge has also ordered the defendant to pay a fine of 20,000 rupees with this sentence.
Pointing out that it is a very serious matter to put pressure on a junior officer by a senior officer of a law-enforcement institution, the judge considered the request of the Deputy Solicitor General Mr Janaka Bandara to sentence the defendant which would be an eye-opener to other officers who if intend to use such pressure.
However, Mr. Premalal Jayasekara is currently a state minister in the current government.