Another discussion between President Ranil Wickremesinghe and the members of the Tamil National Alliance is scheduled to be held in the coming week. Sri Lanka Latest News
Member of Parliament Mr. Shanakyan Rasamanikkam mentioned that the relevant discussion is scheduled to be held next Tuesday afternoon at the Parliament complex.
Discussions were held on several occasions between the members of the Tamil National Alliance and the President regarding several issues including the problems of the Dravidian people in the North.
The Rasamanikkam MP mentions that in those discussions, the President promised to provide a final solution to the related problems before July 31st.
Accordingly, the MP emphasizes that the TNA will be attentive to the solutions provided by the President to its problems in the upcoming round of negotiations.
President Ranil Wickremesinghe is going to make an official visit to India this coming weekend, and before that visit, he will meet and discuss with the members of the Tamil National Alliance.
The members of the Tamil National Alliance had also made a written request to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to force the Sri Lankan government to provide solutions to their problems.