The suspect who robbed the official car of Kuliapitiya Magistrate and Additional District Judge was arrested in Oliamulla area of Wattala, says the Criminal Investigation Division of Galkissa Division.
The stolen car has also been taken into police custody.
During the search of the house in the Homagama Uduwana area where the suspect was staying, two fake pistols, four pointed knives, a bottle containing poisonous liquid, and a bag containing chili powder were found there and taken into police custody.
A police officer said that the suspect was arrested after a lengthy investigation conducted through the call made by the suspect to the magistrate asking for five lakh rupees to hand over the car.
Mr. Gamage Nilantha, the chief police inspector of Galkissa Division Criminal Investigation Division, who contacted the suspect on the phone as a brother of the magistrate to tell him that the magistrate was hospitalized due to an emergency condition and to talk to him if any transaction was necessary, after carefully getting the suspect to agree and bringing him to Wattala, the suspect was arrested and detained after that .
Police say that the suspect was arrested after hearing the name of a shop near a well-known institution in Oliamulla area and telling the Chief Inspector, who pretended to be a brother of the magistrate, to take the key.
The arrested suspect is a 27-year-old resident of Wattala.