A cabinet that works
According to the white paper published with the aim of guiding Sri Lanka to build a grounded and logical governance structure, only 15 ministries are recommended for the administration of Sri Lanka, Verite Research says in a statement.
President Ranil Wickramasinghe recently said that there are 30 ministries in the government and that the number of ministries should be limited to 30. According to its recommendation, 30 ministries is excessive.
In the white paper published by ‘Verity Research’ in 2020 entitled ‘A Logical Methodology for the Composition of the Cabinet of Sri Lanka’, the 15 ministries have been named and thereby minimize inefficiency and have the ability to maximize the rationality of the governance structure. The institute also states that the practice is unduly affecting the efficiency and effectiveness of the government.
Finance and Planning, Judiciary, Defence, Education and Inspection, Health, Agriculture, Labour, Public Services, Ports, Maritime and Civil Aviation, Economic Affairs, Home Affairs and Public Administration, Foreign Affairs, Family and Community Development, Social and Cultural and The Minister of Environment has named 15 ‘Verity Research’ Institute.
The institute points out that the two main problems are that the subjects that should be under one ministry are divided among different ministries and that incompatible subjects are brought under one ministry. The agency also says that they had to face situations in the past such as falling and having to bear more financial costs for the government’s activities as a whole.