The Deputy Inspector General of Crime and Law, Mr. Asanka Karavita said at the Parliamentary Committee on Sectoral Oversight for an Open and Responsible Government that Interpol has issued red notices to arrest 148 serious underworld criminals who have committed various crimes including murder and fled the country. (Sri Lanka Latest News)
The DIG said that the International Police has issued these red notices in response to a request from the Sri Lanka Police to prevent the suspects from fleeing to other countries.
Mr. Karavita said that some of the suspects have already been brought to Sri Lanka and said that 12 suspects have been arrested in India and have been prosecuted in that country.
He said that the group is currently in that country’s prison.
The Parliamentary Sectoral Oversight Committee for an open and responsible government was held at the Parliament complex under the chairmanship of Mr. Jagath Kumara Sumitraarachchi.
Meanwhile, the Deputy Inspector General of Police said that there is a problem of bringing the suspects who have committed crimes punishable by death to Sri Lanka and that this situation has arisen because many countries reject the death penalty.
He also mentioned that because of this, the International Police refused to issue red notices to bring five suspects involved in crimes punishable by death to Sri Lanka.
He also mentioned that all the details including the list of all the leaders of the underworld and the photos of their residences have been found.
In the meantime, Mr. Asanka Karawita said that the underworld group of contract killings has been identified and said that several of them have been arrested.
He also said that most of the underworlders lead their crimes from abroad.