A follower of an underworld criminal named Pukudukanna, tried to revive the LTTE from India along with Pakistani extremists and was detained by the Indian security forces, was shot yesterday (18) at around 1.30 pm in Kotahena.
Police investigations have revealed that Ravindran Theepan, who was traveling in a car, was shot by two members of the opposing underworld who chased the car on a motorcycle.
The shooting took place at the 06th lane of Kotahena and the police say that another person was traveling with him in the car. Police information disclosed that the car was driven by those who were shot and a person named Udayan was sitting in the seat next to it.
The police say that Thiepan was shot three times in the shoulder, near the ear and in the abdomen and that he drove the car for about 4 kilometers and reached the Colombo National Hospital.
When he arrived at the hospital, he was admitted to the intensive care unit.
The police have also received information that this car, in which Teepan was traveling, has been used for some time by a sub-inspector working for the Kotahena police.
Police information also disclosed that this car is parked next to the Kotahena police officer’s car, which is a common sight for Kotahena police officers.
Police information also stated that the lower ranked officers have informed their superiors on several occasions about the behaviour of the Sub Inspector who drove this car.
Police teams investigating underworld crimes have also suspected that the shooting was carried out by a group of Kudu Selvi’s son on the behalf of Kanjipani Imran.
It has been suspected that Kanjipani may have carried out this attack as a revenge for cutting and injuring Imran’s father.
Kanjipani Imran’s father was hacked to death on June 17, 2020 at Maligawatta Saddharma Mawatha.
Two people involved in the attack have been killed so far and two others have been injured in gunshots.
According to Pookudikanna’s contract, Kanjipani’s father had been attacked. According to the police teams, the person who was shot yesterday is also involved in this.
Gayan Kumara Weerasinghe