Talawakele Police Station Chief Inspector Samantha Perera said that an infant was found abandoned in a three-wheeler parked near the Hindu temple in Talawakele and the infanct were handed over to Lidula Regional Hospital.
The tricycle is parked near Kovila every day, and when the employees of the Lidula Municipal Council of Talawakele came to clean the city, they heard the sound of a small child crying inside the tricycle and found a child in the back seat of the tricycle and alerted the Talawakele police.
The Police OIC said that the 12-14 day old bilindia is in good physical health, and the infant was given mother’s milk by a police officer in Talawakele and handed over to the Lidula regional hospital.
Thalawakele police have started a comprehensive investigation through security camera footage regarding those who left the toddler in the three-wheeler.
The infant was admitted to Liduli Regional Hospital and was transferred to Nuwara Eliya District General Hospital for further treatment.