Zero registrations! In the last 8 months, 19 three-wheelers were registered.!

“Zero registrations say The Department of Motor Transport. The department further states that only 19 new three-wheelers have been registered during the year 2022 due to strict restrictions on the import of vehicles.

Commissioner General Nishantha Weerasinghe of that department said that 2,093 three-wheelers have been registered in 2021 and 7,150 three-wheelers in 2020.

Nishantha Weerasinghe said that according to the reports of the Motor Transport Department, from 2011 to 2020, the annual average of new three-wheeler registrations exceeds 50,000.

138,426 new three-wheelers were registered in 2011, the highest three-wheeler registration in a year, compared to 129,547 three-wheelers registered in 2015.

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