The Pakistani Prime Minister leads by example in these trying times for his nation! Stop all perks and extravagances, ministers, advisers, and others, right away!

The government of Pakistan, which is facing a severe economic crisis, has already requested a loan facility of 1.1 billion US dollars from the International Monetary Fund to stabilize the economy.

The government of Pakistan has already implemented almost all the conditions presented by the International Monetary Fund to provide the relevant loan amount.

As a result, the value of the Pakistani rupee is said to have fallen to a quarter. And the price of fuel has already increased five times.

It is said that heavy taxes have been imposed on luxury goods, and interest rates have also been raised.

In addition, Pakistan Prime Minister Shebash Sharif has taken steps to tighten the belts of cabinet ministers under the government’s program to cut costs.

Accordingly, the Prime Minister has recommended that central government ministers and advisers should work without salary.

Also, the purchase of any luxury vehicle is prohibited until June 2024.

And every luxury vehicle used by ministers should be auctioned.

Ministers must travel in third class for foreign travel or domestic flights within the country.

It is prohibited to take support staff for state visits.

Ministers are prohibited from staying in five-star hotels when participating in foreign trips.

Promotes all discussions over the phone to save on fuel costs.

Offices open at 7.30am in the summer to cover gas and electricity.

Only one snack should be served at government functions. At tea time only one tea and one biscuit should be served.
Public officials are prohibited from possessing gifts of a value greater than three hundred dollars.

The Prime Minister of Pakistan has ordered that all these measures should be implemented immediately.

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