The attack on Galle’s face is condemned by the Field Marshal! makes a statement.

The puppet of the Rajapakse Junta, which lacks a mandate and was rejected by the entire country this morning, used the military and police to attack innocent Galle Face protesters, and I condemn this act with disgust.

Despite using regional thugs, the Rajapakses were unable to drive the protesters away on May 9. Ranil was used by the fleeing Rajapakses to perpetrate state terror on innocent civilians.

I am requesting that all units of the military to stand with the people rather than with corrupt politicians, and that the arms of justice be directed at the politicians.

I would like to inform the citizens that I do not believe the expected changes for the better will occur with the Rajapakse-Ranil puppet government, and that, as happened in 1988-89, a Btalanda-style supressive government will emerge. There is no solution outside of Aragal country because no democratic change would occur.

People must band together and rally in order to bring these corrupt politicians to justice.

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