Sri Lanka ranked second in South Asia for countries facing severe malnutrition among children below 5 yrs.

In Parliament on Tuesday, MP Rohini Kaviratne revealed that Sri Lanka is ranked sixth in the world for underweight children under the age of five and second in South Asia for countries facing severe malnutrition.

While speaking on an adjournment motion titled “Malnutrition of Children and Mothers in Sri Lanka,” the representative brought up this issue.

According to the lawmaker, the economic crisis in the country has caused food prices to rise to intolerable levels, especially for children under the age of five.

According to Kaviratne, it has been previously reported that children under the age of five are frequently underweight or tall for their age, and if this trend persists, it may have negative effects on the children’s health and academic progress.

In light of these facts, the government must swiftly launch an organised initiative to improve children’s diets.

While submitting the motion to adjourn, she brought up the issue of the children’s nutrition and suggested that the government start a formal programme to help.

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