In lieu of outstanding payments, the RDA will issue bonds to contractors! Will bonds be created for bank deposits next? In Lebanon, the same thing happened!

The government has decided to issue treasury bonds to the road construction contractors who owe more than 100 million rupees in lieu of the arrears.

In this regard, the project director of the Road Development Authority has taken steps to inform all the contractors and send letters.

The letter has indicated that the Central Bank has also expressed its agreement in this regard.

However, economic analysts point out that a similar situation emerged recently in Lebanon, which is immersed in a severe economic crisis.

With the emergence of the financial crisis, the Lebanese government also took steps to issue bonds to the contractors without paying them in this way.

Also, economic analysts point out that in the future, there is a possibility that this situation will even match the cash deposits in financial institutions.

This means that the government has the ability to issue bonds equivalent to deposits to those depositors.

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