Five substandard fish manufactures not sued by consumer authority! Audit report exposes the dirty ways of the authority

According to the National Audit Office, the Consumer Affairs Authority had not initiated proceedings against 05 companies that produced substandard canned fish.

But the audit revealed that only the shopkeepers who sold the substandard canned fish had been prosecuted.

In accordance with Section 61 (3) (b) of the Consumer Affairs Authority Act, it is stated in the audit report that in cases where it is discovered that a product is unusable or unfit for consumption, that product or stock of products should be banned and legal action should be taken.

In this regard, the management of the Consumer Affairs Authority has mentioned to the audit that 05 of the 06 canned fish samples sent by the Ministry of Trade through the Chairman of the Consumer Affairs Authority for inspection and reports have been confirmed to be substandard.

However, the management has mentioned to the audit that it is not possible to file a lawsuit as the samples are not taken from the market according to the Consumer Affairs Authority’s methodology.

Regarding the Consumer Affairs Authority, this audit report was issued in relation to the year 2021.

(curtesy lankasara)

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