Rajapaksa’s shadow government employs state terrorism! Present hatred is more severe than Rajapaksa’s ! A nationwide uprising not far away! The opposition leader issues a statement.

The supression exercised upon the protestors, journalists and civil citizens is denounced with sheer disgust, opposition leader Sajith Permadas issuing statemet says. 

The statement.reproduced below

The heinous attack on unarmed protestors, journalists, and civilians is heinous, disgusting, and disgraceful.
utilizing traditional oppression the Pohottuwa government is allied with and employing this by the present ‘Rajapakse Shadow government,’ which launched a cowardly oppression against unarmed Galle face protestors in the early hours of today. Many international and local journalists who were present to report this, as well as injured ex-armed forces members, were forced to confront the true meaning of this criminal and savage onslaught, which is official state terrorism.
With less than a day of the new President’s inauguration, this cruel attack was launched, and he is attempting to indicate the nature of his future governance style, he should be reminded that some more severe cruel administrations have been sent home in the past. In the meantime, while all seized government properties are being returned, security forces acting on ‘upper official orders’ attacked protestors in the early hours of the morning. This cowrdley attack, which occurred because his preferred Rajapakse government was deposed, is unknown, but there is no reason not to believe is so .

Protesting in an orderly and well-mannered manner without causing damage to state property is a democratic right that we always respect.

On the one hand, the opportunity to become president today reached his was as a result of the protests in Glle Face and other places. Although the relevant protest placed him in to a situaton he was able to run for president, hoever the fact is that after getting elected president in less than 12 hours this brutality took place which is very sad. Perhaps he is enraged that the people’s protest was instrumental in toppling the Rajapakse government. To raise morale that had been tarnished by the previous Rajapakse regime, the current ‘Rajapakse shadow’ government has begun the same path, the only difference being that this has become more fearce outrage than Rajapakse outrage.

This ‘Rajapakse shadow’ government suppressed people’s right to protest, which is a fundamental human right, as well as journalists’ basic right. Unarmed civilians, injured soldiers, and civilians are being harmed by the use of very sophisticated fire arms. All those responsible, official and unofficial, should be brought to a fact-finding inquary.

We are shocked and tense on learning about this deplorable, cowardly attack and denounce it with utmost disgust. The Rajapakse’ shadow government’ which tries in its might to push our country into a primitive place should be opposed and people raised against it. It is not far away.

Sajith Premadas
Opposition Leader

( this is a translated copy from the Sinhala language orginal statement)

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