The opposition leader asks why two different laws! one to Ranjan and one to Govt. MPs?(VIDEO)

Opposition leader Mr. Sajith Premadasa said that the government ministers are playing a joker by trying to lie to the media.

They talk about the judiciary in the name of democracy and some MPs are seriously insulting the judiciary.

The opposition leader said that Ranjan Ramanayake has one law and some members of the government have different applications of law and said that these insulting threats targeting the judiciary and the media should be stopped immediately.

The leader of the opposition asked that the forces in the opposition should not be put on the streets against the anti-democratic suppression by the government and said that at this moment, he is giving support to build the country through the parliamentary committee system thinking of the common people of the country.

The All Ceylon Egg Producers’ Association met today (24) at the opposition leader’s office in Colombo, and the problems faced by the egg industry these days were discussed at length. Emphasis was placed on their problems as well as the problems faced by consumers at the moment.

The leader of the opposition asked the government to control the behavior of some MPs and said that if they do not do so, action will be taken against them.

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