Patali’s four proposals to solve current crisis

In order to find solutions to the current dilemma the country is experiencing, former minister Patali Champika Ranawaka held a special press conference yesterday (03) and made a number of recommendations.
In order to build an all-party government, the 43 brigade, led by the MP, has proposed four changes that must be supported by all parties within the coming week.

  1. To successfully approve the 22nd constitutional amendment by forging a broad coalition and a unified agenda.
  2. To create a council for making decisions on the proposed policies, the leaders of the parties and independent groupings in the parliament.
  3. Recognized experts to serve as leaders of significant institutions. A temporary shared software needs to be created.
  4. Within 24 hours following President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s resignation, Parliament should have the chance to choose a new leader.
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