Omani businesman shuts down the garment factory after state minister Indika’s thugs attack! Angry unemployed workers protest opposite minister’s house!

Due to the incident of breaking into the factory belonging to an Omani in Katana Halpe and attacking the manager and the security guard, the decision was taken to close the factory for a month after paying one month’s wages to the employees. And the housing Protesters marched to Maha Gedara this afternoon.

A person claiming to be a friend of the minister failed in his attempt to enter a vehicle on a rental basis, and a group of people broke into the establishment and attacked it.

The Badalgama police arrested three people in connection with this incident the very next day and due to allegations that the investigation regarding this incident was not formal, the investigations were handed over to the CID.

In the meantime, the employees protested today at 8 pm, stating that it is a problem to run the company until they receive a guarantee from the government that proper security will be ensured for their company.

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