Many IMF representatives meet the opposition leader today I Sri Lanka Latest News

A meeting between a group of representatives of the International Monetary Fund and Mr. Sajith Premadasa, the leader of the opposition, took place today (25) at the office of the leader of the opposition.

There, there was a long exchange of ideas between the two sides regarding many economic, social and political issues in this country. There was a long discussion, especially regarding the agreement reached with the International Monetary Fund by the current government. The opposition leader Mr. Sajith Premadasa also informed the deligates about the effect the government has had on the employee welfare fund of the working people through the restructuring of domestic debt. Also, opposition leader Sajith Premadasa said here that as soon as Samagi Jana Balawega comes to power, he will reconsider this agreement and reach an agreement that is favourable to the people and through that, he will focus on the measures to recover the country.

On this occasion, representing the International Monetary Fund, Mr. Peter Breuer (Senior. Mission Chief), Ms. Katya Svirydzenka (Dep. Mission Chief), Dr. Sarwat Jahan (IMF Resident Representative), Ms Manavee Abeyawickrama – (Local Economist), Lan Huong Vu (Communications Dept.) joined.

Also, Dr. Harsha de Silva, Kabir Hashim, Prof. G. L . Peiris, Mps Velukumara, Nalaka Godaheva and Harshana Rajakaruna were also present.

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