Gotabhaya Rajapaksa’s economic decisions are under examination- Auditor General

Based on an order given by the Supreme Court, a special investigation was started regarding the wrong economic management decisions of the Gotabhaya Rajapaksa government, according to Auditor General W.P.C. Mr. Wickramaratne stated.

A team of audit officers headed by a Deputy Auditor General has also been appointed for the investigations.

The Auditor General mentioned that the information required for the relevant audit will be obtained from the Central Bank of Sri Lanka and the Central Treasury.

The National Audit Office says that the audit will look into matters such as keeping the dollar at 203 rupees as well as the delay in getting support from the International Monetary Fund and the repayment of the US$ 500 million sovereign bond on January 18 this year.

The Supreme Court, which on the 7th allowed the hearing of two fundamental rights petitions filed claiming that the fundamental rights of the people had been violated due to the wrong economic management decisions taken under the government of Mr. Gotabhaya Rajapaksa, ordered the Auditor General to submit a full detailed report in this regard.

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