CID questions Sangeetha for 5 hours about the Thilini Priyamali incident!

The Criminal Investigation Department yesterday (07) interrogated and recorded a statement from the popular veteran actress Sangeetha Weeraratne for about 5 hours in relation to the ongoing investigations regarding the large-scale financial frauds committed by Thilini Priyamali.

Information from the Criminal Investigation Department revealed that Sangeetha was interrogated with special attention regarding her relationship with Priyamali as well as the transactions she made with her.

The Criminal Investigation Department also disclosed that when the investigating officers of the Criminal Investigation Department presented a video footage to Ms. Sangeeta Weeraratne, she was unable to say anything for a while.

A senior police officer stated that a re-investigation will be conducted regarding the information given by Mrs. Sangeetha Weeraratne during the interrogation and if it is felt that she needs to be questioned further, she will be called back to the Criminal Investigation Department.

The Criminal Investigation Department also interrogated and recorded a statement from veteran and popular actress Mrs. Semini Iddamalgoda for 4 hours regarding her close relationship with Thilini Priyamali. Another new actress has also been called before the Criminal Investigation Department in connection with the investigation regarding Thilini Priyamali, and she has not appeared before the Criminal Investigation Department so far. The Criminal Investigation Department believes that she will also come and give a statement in the future.

Thilini Priyamali has also paid attention to the one and a half crore money that Thilini Priyamali allegedly gave to buy a house for a popular announcer couple. The inside information said that the couple of announcers will also be called to the Criminal Investigation Department for questioning.

Meanwhile, the Criminal Investigation Department questioned and recorded the statements of a former deputy minister and veteran actor Mr. and Mrs. Jeevan Kumaratunga for almost 5 hours last Saturday.

The Criminal Investigation Department revealed that the attention of the officers of the Criminal Investigation Department was focused on the relationship between Thilini Priyamali and his family members and the production of a film.

The Criminal Investigation Department reveals that several members of his family will be questioned in the future.

Gayan Kumara Weerasinghe

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