A conspiracy against the central bank governor! (VIDEO)

Opposition leader Mr. Sajith Premadasa said that in a situation where almost all the leaders of the previous government were responsible for the conspiracy to bankrupt the country, the government has forgotten it and is making a bunch of serious slanders and accusations targeting the central bank governor.

The opposition leader said that the government is running a conspiracy to make one of its cronies the governor of the central bank by accusing the governor of the central bank of being a dual citizen.

The leader of the opposition said that instead of making jokes about all-party governments, there should be a basic agreement among the heads of the government at this moment and asked whether it is possible to even think about an all-party government in a situation where there is no such thing.

The leader of the opposition said that there should be a good agreement on the government’s side as well as the matter of requesting their support for the building of the country at this critical moment.

The leader of the opposition said this in Parliament today (02) morning.

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